Monday, August 29, 2011

GEMBA7-OBSession1 Vinodh Sankaran Learning Journal

One of the important characteristic of manager is "Soft Skills" which is also called "People Skills". People skill is like an art and learning it will be very challenging task. A manager can be very strong in technical path but if he lags in people skill then his productivity will be affected. The main objective of the Organization behavior(OB) is to improve the people skills for managers. Organization behavior will focuses on groups, individuals and structure in an organization so that the profit can be increased. When my Professor Dr.Nagao discussed about the Volley ball in the class I was totally surprised because I basically learned all the team work basics from my favorite sport cricket. Cricket is basically a team sport if an group or individual or structure of team is not strong enough then team will lose the match(Thanks to for the team picture).

The main aim of the manager in an organization is placing the right people at the right job but how the manager can identify his team members strength and weakness. Working in AT&T as business manager I interviewed my people individually and got their strengths and weaknesses by asking them "Best and Worst" day at work. Developing trust and confidence in the team will leads to better productive work ambience. I would always connect the people within my team and make sure they get maximum benefit from each other. This concept has been implemented in our organization as "One AT&T". It is really difficult to read people's mind but I would say once you learn this art it would make you a perfect leader in future.
As we discussed about "What great managers do" assuming I am one of the manager and want to add up on a point that a team should be diverse. It is not welcomed to have same kind of people within the team they should be unique from each other. I have a great team and I achieve my goals every project its all because of my team and their positive attitudes. Attitudes matter the most for a person. A manager should handle his employees in such way that there should not be any negative attitudes created among his team members. The power of attitudes can break the team and also the productivity. I always think positive attitude is one of the key to success.

Every human has emotions and its the responsible for the manager in organization that his team members emotions are not affected because it will create negative attitude among his team members which lead to a bad behavior in work environment and affects the organization massively. I will engage my employees to the project with their interest so that they will be motivated, involved in the job and also have positive attitude which will make them to achieve the job satisfaction. As I told you earlier that I compare team work with the sport so "Team work always win the game".Hope you all enjoyed my blog on Organization behavior introduction and Attitudes. Please be free to share your comments and thoughts


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