Monday, December 12, 2011

GEMBA7-OBSession 8 & 9 Vinodh Sankaran Learning Journal

Change is everywhere and change is needed on our day to day life. Change in organization and stress management is the topic which I am going to discuss in this blog. All the organization will go for change either in organization structure or on their product even though they are running in profit or loss. If the organization do change in management, outsourcing, immigration, demographic..etc are successfully enforced then corresponding organization may see a drastic change in their outcome. If the organization do the right change in their product or service then they will do great in global market for example if you take Microsoft when their product vista was struggling and found very hard to compete with their competitors. Microsoft launched the windows 7 which was a successful product.

All the organization will change themselves and quickly adhere to new technology in the market. The changes made in the organization should be communicated and educated to all the stakeholders. The responsible manager should make sure that he should build support and commitment from his employees once the change is done and also he should select the people for job who is ready to accept the change and develop positive relationship. There are several approaches to managing change but I personally like Lewin's Three Step Change Model which is Unfreezing , movement and refreezing. I had planned to implement this model among my team and let me see how it works. But my personal approach is to get feedback from your employees when ever there is change is implemented so that we can come to know how much successful the change was implemented.

Changes will often create stressful situation to individuals who are associated with the change. But stress is everywhere it is a part of life. If you manage the stress properly it will keep you strong physically and mentally. There are lots of ways to control stress one can do yoga or workout in gym for 60 min per day will keep your mind fresh always. Organization have to implement a stress relief training program to all his employees so that employees will be trained to handle the high priority jobs without any stress or pressure.

Last week I had my last Organizational Behavior class. I had an opportunity to do the simulation project with Clifton my friend on the organizational behavior topic. It was totally a new experience for me and I felt it was very lively. Throughout the course I personally I like the lecture on Motivation. It was really good and I had more fun in the class and also the motivational project which we did gave us more insight about how to approach the motivational concepts in the organization. Once again I personally thank my Professor "Dr.Nagao" for teaching me all soft skills. I enjoyed his class and all the football chat with him. Because of him only my writing skill got improved. I hope all had enjoyed my blog. I will be continue writing more on Business and Management skills. Please be free to visit my blog and be free to give me feedback. Happy X-Mas and New year.
