Wednesday, November 23, 2011

GEMBA7-OBSession 7 Vinodh Sankaran Learning Journal

World is full of culture. Each country has variety of culture and it varies among state also. If you take India each state in India have different culture. In the modern world business is becoming more global so its good to know about country culture. Our topic today is almost same but I am going to share my view of culture which exists in organization. There is no common definition for organization culture. It is the culture which was developed by the corresponding organization for many years based on their values and its employees are encouraged to follow it. Organization have their own culture and it varies based on generation also. Organization culture is the basement of the organization. If one organization has strong culture then its success is guaranteed.

Its true that strong organization culture will leads to more profit but how to find out whether the organization culture is strong or weak. In my case AT&T's employee has same opinion on the culture so its organization culture is very strong it is the main reason for AT&T to be top a company in telecommunication sector. The culture in AT&T is customer focused with strong innovation, care for employees, passion to work, aggressiveness and customer satisfaction. Our top executives played a key role in developing this strong culture because in early 1990 AT&T had a monopoly attitude culture and AT&T did a smooth transition of this monopoly culture to the strong culture which exists today by strengthening the hiring process to recruit a workforce with passion to work and team oriented.

Socialization program also plays a major role in organization culture. There are lots of formal and informal ways a manager will communicate with his employees depending up on the situation. I always like to combine the formal and informal method to communicate with my employees. But in big organization like AT&T socialization is not much practiced. I personally encouraged socialization program inside the organization which will give an opportunity for a new employee to learn about the organization culture within short period of time and it also give an networking opportunity to employees so that they can achieve promotion or some other new job inside the organization itself.

As a manager I would always encourage an organization to develop a strong culture which will lead to success and earn more profit. I hope you all had enjoyed my blog on organization culture. I am happy to share with you all my team Clemson had won the "ACC championship" after 20 years. Hope they will be national champion team next year. All have a good day.

Vinodh Sankaran