Monday, October 24, 2011

GEMBA7-OBSession 6 Vinodh Sankaran Learning Journal

How much power do you have in your organization? Do power changes the personal behavior?Power is one of the very sensitive topic to debate. One can do anything if he has right power. A leader is the one who has more power in an organization but where does the power come from. Power comes to individual in many ways though promotions, business needs,passion to work, ample amount of experience etc. A true leader will handle the power in the smooth way without any ego or attitude and make sure he takes care of his people. Mahatma Gandhi had more power but he used his power perfectly and lead his people in amazing manner. Through gaining unique knowledge, social influence one can increase the power in an organization.

Power can change anything in an organization. An informal usage of power will leads to political behavior in an organization. But this politics will leads to advantages in some cases and disadvantages to many cases. My personal opinion there is politics everywhere an individual should be smart so that he should get adjust to the politics in an organization. A great leader will only focus on things which benefit to organization he won't think about any political behavior which can leads to him trouble, puts the organization in jeopardy situation and sets an wrong example to the people who are following him. It also leads to conflict situation among peer employees. How much power you receive in your organization always respect your colleagues which will increase your value among them.

There are lots of universal influence we follow in our day to day life. Negotiation plays major role in our life. Negotiation skills varies among individuals. Take an used car selling example one has to use all his negotiation skills to get the best deal from the dealer. Reciprocity and liking are the negotiation tactics which I use in my office. Its hard to get success while negotiating deals. Negotiation is not about one who wins the argument its kind of an art which comes by experience and personal interest. Hope you all enjoyed my blog this weekend I am going to Clemson-GA Tech game and I guess Clemson will win the game easily. All have a wonderful day.


Monday, October 10, 2011

GEMBA7-OBSession 4 & 5 Vinodh Sankaran Learning Journal

Hi all! Weekend went so fast as I was busy with my school and the whole world was in shock after losing one of the greatest innovative leader "Steve jobs". Steve is the main reason for all the innovative products introduced by the apple. The way steve managed his groups and teams has played the key role in apple's success in global market. He structured the apple team perfectly with clear picture, roles and assignment. Steve was a bold leader I always admire his style of leadership. Steve's presentation in all "Apple worldwide developer conference" showed the confidence he had on his team.

Past weekend in my MBA class I got an opportunity to see a video on Erik Weihenmayer who was a blind person climbed the mount everest with help of super effective team. This shows that if you have a team with unified goal and great leader you can convert impossible to possible. I really want to thank my professor "Dr.Nagao" for sharing this great video. I am planning to share this on my team meeting and going to get my team members feedback. It is always challenging to manage virtual teams since they are not available in person. But if you have right team members with good technology and tools then we can manage virtual teams at ease. I am equipping myself on this area because I will be managing virtual global teams soon.

Are Leaders are born or made? this is debate going for many years. Let's not dive in to that debate. In my opinion leader is the pillar for the organization some of the great leaders are Steve jobs, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, Nelson Mandela,..etc they all have different leadership styles. Even in sports a coach is the leader who can change the team structure. Clemson University head coach "Dabo Swinney" has changed the Clemson football team in to a champion team. All he did is he brought the right team members and believes his team 100% thats how the true leader should be one should keep faith on his team, trust them and form a bond between them. But there are many leadership styles followed in sports too if you take coach knight former basketball head coach very famous for strict discipline style of leadership yet he is a successful coach with many championship tittles in his resume.

Leadership skills depends up on individuals attitude and character. In future I like to become a good leader who takes care of his people and believes his people. I hope all enjoyed my blog leadership. I am enjoying my MBA classes I will share all my thoughts which I learned from the class through this blog so please read the blog frequently and let me know your thoughts.
